Saturday, February 13, 2016

DAY 0: It Begins

Let me preface this buy stating that I am not an athletic person. Never have been, and most likely never will be. I have always been the introverted type that prefers staying inside versus frolicking outside. I’m also supremely lazy. I’ve also been overweight my whole life and lately it has really been getting me down. Dating, overall health, fatigue, and mood have been issues recently and a lot of it has to do with my weight. Quite simply put I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin anymore and it sucks. So, whilst I complain on the Internet I’ve decided to try and do something about it. Heavy emphasis on tries. My gym workouts were typically walking on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes and watching whatever show I’m currently binging on Netflix. Yes, judge freely here because it sounds pretty lazy doesn’t it? Well duh, because it was. Remember who is writing this: the self declared queen of zero-effort. I was attempting to build consistency but realized I wasn’t holding myself accountable to really doing anything at the gym. So I had to change my approach. I bit the bullet and shelled out the cash to try class pass. My sister has been doing it for a while and she has become a fitness boutique bunny. Hopping around from class to class getting sweaty and thinner as each day goes by. Yes, you’re right of course I resent her for getting thin. I’m a competitive, awful person and that is just how my brain thinks. But if you can’t beat them: join them, and I certainly wasn’t going to beat anyone with my current routine. So this is where we start my Internet friends. I’m at ground zero and I’m trying to build myself back up in an attempt to be happier and healthier. Let’s see if it works out shall we?    

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